I recently purchased an 1867 bound edition of Peterson's Magazine. It has many interesting projects including another example of insoles, instructions for a double layered knit pair.
I am becoming firmly convinced that insoles were commonly worn in the mid-19th century.
They were used to provide warmth, protection from damp and just plain comfort in leather soled shoes or boots.
I have found reference to both commercially produced examples, as well as instructions for home construction.
Here's the original image and instructions:

MATERIALS FOR A PAIR.-Quarter of an ounce of white fleecy wool; quarter of an ounce of white, and a little red Berlin wool.
This sole consists of two plain knitted parts, the upper of fleecy wool, the under of Berlin wool.
Knit in rows, working crosswise forward and backward, the under part upon coarse, the upper part upon fine wooden knitting-needles.
Cut a paper pattern the required size, which must be all round, about a quarter of an inch smaller than the shoe in which it is to be placed.
Begin at the back. Take care that the proper increase or decrease is made equally at both the outer sides in the edge stitches. The edges must be ornamented with two crochet rows in red wool.
1st row: *one double crochet through the edge stitches of both knitted parts, one chain. Repeat from *.
2nd row: One double crochet in the first stitch of the proceeding row; one scallop of three chain, one double in the first of three; with the scallop pass over two stitches of the proceeding row. Repeat from *.
I am not knitter, nor do I crochet, so I'm not able to evaluate the feasibility of the instructions.
If anyone attempts them, please do let me know the results.