
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Look Familiar?

It sure did to me, when I was scanning through a recently unpacked 1885 edition of Peterson's magazine.

Here's the description:

"No. 4 - is an infant's cape and hood. It is made of cashmere or opera-flannel, lined with silk, and edged with lace or a crocheted border of split-zephyr or knitting silk. It is made of a square of the material, with one corner rounded off for the hood. A casing around the face and at the back fits it to suit the baby's head. our model has a simple pattern embroidered above the border; but this is optional. Plain is perhaps more elegant."

Compare this to directions for "The Red Riding Hood" (for adults), circa 1862 Peterson's Magazine:

"This hood is the novelty of the season, and while it is both pretty and becoming, it is very simple and easily made. Take three-quarters of a yard of scarlet sack flannel, the finest and most brilliant color that can be procured. Cut off one side to make it perfectly square; round one corner, as seen in the diagram; then have it pinked all round in small scallops, which you will find, will produce a very beautiful effect.

From B to B at about two inches from the edge, sew a casing of narrow ribbon on the underside, also one diagonally from A to a. Run a narrow ribbon in the casings, drawing the one from B to B to fit the face. Fasten it. The one from A to A is to be drawn to suit the head. "
Now, I'm very accustomed to the habit period magazines had of "borrowing" articles from each other, but this is the first time I've encountered an example of a magazine reworking a piece from their own magazine twenty some years later.
It makes you wonder just how often did it occur?

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