
Monday, November 23, 2009

We had fog the other night, thick, enveloping like a down comforter.
Sound travels a little strangely here, bouncing off the bluffs and the water, but fog changes it more yet, we could here the warning call of the fog horn clear as a bell and at intervals throughout the night, the deeper, lower call of the freighter horns, a moving warning.
It never cleared completely the following day, but this freighter makes it's way through the Straits, no longer needing to issue warning of it's gigantic presence.


  1. This is lovely. We are having fog here too (southeast MI)the last few mornings and I'm ashamed to admit I'm too lazy to get up early and get out there for the photo ops. I lived in San Francisco for a few years, so fog and fog horns will always remind me of my time there. Thanks for rekindling the memory.

  2. Really enjoyed looking through your blog, found you at Farming in the Shade. Really liked this photo, we don't see many freighters in the u.p. and I miss reminded me of a fall camping trip to Copper Harbor, where we saw three go by, one right after another.
