
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Conference Fabric

Each year, each conference presenter is sent a length of fabric, with the instructions to "make a dress"(ladies) or "make a vest" (gentlemen).

Having made three conference dresses (and two vests) sometimes it's a challenge - the fabric doesn't always want to "speak" to you, it may take time for you to become friends and chat, of course, other times it nearly deafens you with the screams of delight.

Everyone is free to have someone else make the garment if sewing is not amongst their skill set, but they need to be prepared to stand up on stage Saturday morning and give a brief explanation of the garment that resulted.

It's always quite amazing how different all the dresses look; vests don't have quite as many variations, but are interesting none the less.

Accessories, decisions regarding fabric placement and trimmings, as well as the figure of the wearer all contribute to a unique look.

Here are some photos of this years fabrics - the photos are not the best, I'm crouched on the floor in front of the stage and flash was not allowed - but here they are:

And finally, Mike Mescher and "Luigi" - please note his self fabric fringe!
Those of you who now Mike will understand.

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