
Sunday, November 7, 2010

An Investment for The Future

Planting trees is a leap of faith, as trees are slow growing and the planter will most likely not see them as mature specimens - truly an investment in the future.

Last week, we experienced as change of view, when twenty mature, but poorly chosen Norway maples were removed from Cadotte Avenue; I still am amazed at the difference, it's so open now.

Well, there's more change in store, here come some new trees.

A native maple was chosen this time and good sized specimens, approximately 15', which need correspondingly good sized holes.

Digging the holes revealed a surprise, a previous road bed approximately 2' below the surface.

And here they are - it will be many years before they form the arching, almost street spanning reach of the previous trees, but they should have a far longer lifespan than the invasive, disease ridden Norway's - a pleasure for future residents and visitors of Mackinac.

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