
Sunday, April 10, 2011

2nd Annual Academy of Mid-19th Century Life

I'm very pleased to announce the Academy of Mid-19th Century Life's 2011 presentations:

July 15, 2011


Charlton Park, Hastings, MI


Cost for all four presentations: $25.00

Early Bird Special: $20.00 before June 4, 2011

Final registration date: July 1, 2011

Clothing Makes the Man: Dressing the Male Civilian 101

Wearing a uniform limits the wardrobe decisions a soldier needs to make, while dressing as a civilian is all about the choices. But where to begin? We will discuss the basic garments that should be present in every man's wardrobe, good sources of patterns and fabrics, what to look for in an appropriately constructed ready-made garment, as well as what to avoid. Not every man was a soldier, but every soldier lived a portion of his life as a civilian - learn how to start dressing the part of a mid-19th century man.

Presented by Kelly Dorman

The Magic of Music

From shape note singing to minstrel shows, form parlors to church pews to patriotic pleas, the melodies and lyrics of music have inspired the hearts of Americans for generations. Bring an appreciative ear or a passionate voice and join us as we explore the songs and songwriters of the 1840's - 1860's.

Presented by Brenda Plakmeyer & Robin Dorman

You Weren't Born Yesterday

What are your earliest memories of your present life? who is the first president you remember, or first significant national event? Can you name some of these things for your Civil War era persona? Do you have one that needs "re-aged", or do you not know where to start? This session will explore the years prior to the Civil War and look at how those events may have affected the outlook of people in the mid-19th century, and thus give some depth to your first person character. Bring your ideas, for this is also a first person development workshop.

Presented by Tonya Woodbridge

Scribbling Spencerian

Sure you know how to write in cursive, but no one can read it. Take a lesson from the man who created his own form of writing, Platt Rogers Spencer. Begin to learn how to form letters using the Spencerian method and add another detail to your impression.

Presented by Sheri Giffin

Workshop sizes are limited, so send your registration soon!

Register by sending a check ($25.00 or $20.00 early bird special prior to June 4, 2011) made out to Sally VanderArk to 807 B Court Ave. Benton Harbor, MI 49085. Please include your name, address and email for confirmation notification.

Questions? Contact me via the "Contact Kelly HERE" button on the top left hand side of this blog.

Please consider joining us - you need not be attending the Charlton Park event to attend the Academy - this is a great opportunity to add to your knowledge of the civilian side of the Civil War era.

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