
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dream Come True

Last night was the award ceremony for the 2012 competition at the Richard and Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art Museum was last night and I'm thrilled to announce that my piece, "The Foundation or In the Beginning" was awarded the prize for Best in Show!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a truly daunting piece of work to create, especially the bark - the joke was it would drive me "barking mad" before I finished.

This years theme was "Grand Hotel", in honor of the 125th anniversary of the hotel. I was hoping to create a piece that would make people think a little bit, in order to understand the connection.

Grand Hotel was built of Michigan white pine and the story is told that the stumps of the trees cut to clear the land were used as the original foundation. In addition, the original Victorian visitors were looking to experience "rustic elegance" - well, there's nothing much more rustic than a pine stump, but I hope I also captured some elegance too.

It still seems a bit like a dream - luckily for me, a dream come true!


  1. Wow! This is an amazing piece; I'm not at all surprised that it won best of show. Barking mad, indeed.

    It would still be stunning even if it hadn't won. But it's nice to have your work recognized. Congratulations.

  2. Congratulations. A worthy winner indeed.

  3. It should be best in show! Its' awesome!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a wonderful piece of art! You truly deserve it!!!
