
Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Here they are - my latest temptation!

I've been told I have a bit of a shoe "issue"; not so much modern styles, but I prefer NOT to discuss how many pairs of reproduction and true vintage shoes are stashed in my wardrobe.

This particular reproduction pair are called "23Skidoo" and are available for pre-order at American Duchess. They are a spectator style with a T-strap closure and a lovely French heel.

I've been becoming more and more attracted to 1920's styles, despite not having a 1920's figure; we even went semi-20's style for Halloween this year.

I've managed to stand strong against temptation so far, but I may yet succumb!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you temptress! I love them. I too have a problem or is it a skill in finding adorable shoes that I can't live without?
