
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Conference Fabric 2013

Another eagerly awaited, annual highlight of the Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860's conference is the unveiling of the "conference fabric" on Saturday morning.

Gentlemen presenters receive a vest length of fabric, this year a cotton velveteen, and the ladies receive a dress length, this year a black and white cotton print. Everyone receives the same fabric and makes (or has made by their seamstress or tailor) a garment, which is to be kept secret until the unveiling.

I am always amazed at how the choices made in styles and trims can lead to such different end results, with  the dresses in particular - there aren't as many variations possible in the vests.

A big thank you to my dear friend who took these photos for me - she sat on the floor in front of the stage in order to get clear shots!

Many participants use original garments or photos for inspiration, as with this sleeve variation - I love the green buttons!

Red was a great compliment to this fabric and this lady choose to use "red tape" as she works for the government and it's a great reproduction of the original dress in her collection.

 This is a great style, not often represented - an open neckline and short sleeves, worn with a guimpe and just look at the skirt detail!

Emily (the doll) in her new conference dress.

Another great example of using originals as inspiration - the yoke of this dress is shirred over gathered cords front and back - a really beautiful detail, and again, one seldom seen on reproductions.

And a bit of usually undercover detail: gorgeous garters! A class on making these garters was offered as a pre-conference workshop.

And the youngest attendee at conference, isn't he adorable in his conference fabric gown?

And he's the only participant to have both a conference dress AND a vest - a surprise gift during the unveiling.

I'll be adding detailed posts on what I created for Robin and myself with our conference fabrics...soon!

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