
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rollfast - Bicycle Painting Workshop

I actually attended this acrylic painting workshop earlier in the summer, but didn't quite finish my piece in class - it's done now!

The workshop was led by artist MaryBea McWatters, who is known locally for her paintings of bicycles - the primary mode of transportation here on Mackinac.

Here's the setup:

We started by laying down an orange base coat.

While that dried a bit, we sketched and planned out our layout. Most people chose an entire view of the bike, but I choose a tighter focus and a very graphic depiction.

After sketching our design on the orange base we added white to the entire background.

And then started adding the details with layers of washes. This was as far as I got in the allotted class time.

And here's the rest of the classes work:

It was noted that not a one of these bikes would actually roll!

Here's my final result:

Not a wonderful work of art, but not too bad for my first work with acrylics. I've purchased my own supplies now, so more to come.

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