
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Seasonal Signs

Life on Mackinac is cyclic - and I don't mean bicycles!

As summer passes and we move into fall, there are certain signs that the season is changing and one of the most telling is the gradual, annual movement of the horses back onto the mainland.

I'm sure these were not the first batch to make the move, but they are the first I've seen. It's a bit bittersweet to see them go, but it's just part of the rhythm of life on this Island.

I recently became aware of a very special program filmed in 1988, When the Horses Leave: Metamorphosis at Mackinac. You can see the online version here.

It was made 25 years ago, but still illustrates the lifestyle of year round Mackinac today and it's great fun to watch and compare how some of our residents looked a quarter century ago!

1 comment:

  1. How interesting!!! I watched the video as well and learned so much about life on the island! Amazing strength you all have...I'm a sissy! But I would love the quiet and home town feel!
