
Friday, May 14, 2010


This is my third entry in the upcoming Contemporary Art Exhibition at the new Richard and Jane Manoogian Art Museum here on Mackinac.

Those familiar with my work are probably wondering if I've posted the correct image - yes, this really is my work!

This exhibit was the perfect opportunity to challenge myself and move forward in my work and this piece is the result.

We were asked to submit work inspired by Mackinac and this piece has many inspirations:

One of my favorite forms of year round entertainment is walking the many trails on the Island and taking photos of all the many natural beauties to be found in the woods. These are the natural wonders of the Mackinac that most visitors are oblivious to - tourists tend to focus on our big, obvious attractions.

I have literally 1000's of images, taken in all seasons and all places, the complete seasonal cycle.

I wanted to have my beaded pieces rotate or cycle, and what better way than on a discarded bicycle wheel? After all, most of us cycle everywhere, to work, to play and home again.

The cedar base was a fortunate find, it had been blown down in a wind storm, destined to be broken down and cycled back into the earth.

Here's the piece representing the present, a trillium with three dimensional petals. The woods are full of drifts of trilliums right now, they're simply glorious!

And here is the original image, the beaded piece is based upon:

Each piece has a tag on the back, identifying the plant life - this is a proper herbarium! Yet another "cycling" inspiration, as herbariums represent my obsession with the botanizing women of the Victorian period.

Will I do more work of this type?



  1. I absolutely love this from top to bottom. It's an ingenious work of art!

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