
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Horses power this Island, this bunch have just arrived, fresh off the ferry. Just behind them are a horse drawn taxi hauling people and a horse drawn dray hauling freight, exactly the work these horses will soon be performing.

Horses don't enjoy the ferry trip and today was windy and blustery, making for a rough ride; it takes a firm hand to calm them down enough to walk up the hill to the "Big Barn", their summer home.

Horses really do come over on the same ferry we all use - look close , they even have luggage tags!


  1. Wow, I love this post. The power and strength of these beautiful horses is evident. What a great painting they would make!

  2. LOL... Love the luggage tags! I think it's so cool that the island still has horsepower ~ and those draft horses do carry a lot of it! I imagine too that they aren't that fond of the ferry ride and are just thankful to get their land legs under them again. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. what a wonderful sight to behold. thanks for this post. on twitter i remember videos posted of the horses being readied for the ferry ride to their winter homes.
