
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Insectile Duality

If you happen to find yourself in northern Michigan, I hope you'll consider visiting a very special (at least to me!) exhibition at Three Pines Studio in Cross Village.

This little beaded caterpillar (more about him here) was the inspiration for this project and show - my husband and I each choose six insects,twelve total,  and interpreted them in our separate types of media. Robin used three different types of printing techniques; linoleum block, white line and reduction. I worked in a mixed media style, starting with painted canvases and adding all types of fiber techniques including, embroidery, beading, applique, needle felting and more.

This was Robin's first show and it was a joy to be able to share it with him.

In the gallery, each of our pieces hung side by side.

Those of you familiar with my work might notice that the pieces are a littler looser and more whimsical  than is typical for my work - I'm not really sure why, it just moved in that direction and I decided to follow.

This is my favorite of Robin's pieces, an inchworm done using the reduction printing method, with eight layers of color.

Joann and Gene, the owners of the gallery, our delightful to work with and they have displayed our work beautifully - at the opening reception there was even these super cute "ladybug" bites!

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