Monday, August 31, 2009
My Garden View
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Just a Little Sole - Part Five
Given the mid-19th century craze for "Turkish" design, the "Sultana" designation is interesting.
The soles show no wear , inside or out, and have an attached cushy wool insole - they would be warm and toasty to wear.
I promise, I WILL resume my experiments, but not until fall!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
An Evening Cruise
Our captain keeping a close eye on those brave individuals who chose to swim:
Travelling under the Bridge:
Another freighter, making the same trip:
And, most splendid of all - the sunset!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Summer's Bouquet
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Leaving a Print
STEP 1: Imagine a design:
STEP 4: Using the glue stick, glue the foam design to the wooden square.
STEP 5: Carefully press your block on an ink pad, make sure to ink the entire design.
STEP 6: Press the block on a printing sheet, apply pressure on the entire block.
STEP 7: Lift the block and view your print! Please make two prints, one to take home and one for us to display and share.
Given our location, it's not surprising that horses are a popular subject:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Past Visitor Remembered

The Mackinac Island Public Library offers a series of guest speakers throughout the season, today's was Corinne Smith, discussing "A Transcendental Travelogue" or Thoreau's travels in mid 1861.
Thoreau took a trip to the West, specifically, Minnesota and spent several days on Mackinac during his return trip east. He appears to have spent much of his time botanizing, his journal includes a four page inventory of plants, including sugar maples, yellow ladies slippers and dandelions - "very abundant, even throughout the woods". Significantly, there is NO mention of lilacs!
It appears the weather was similar to our current cool summer, he notes "Sat by fire July 2d".
And some things never change: "They think trout not as good as white fish."