Tuesday, March 31, 2009
And There Was Great Rejoicing...

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Herbarium Update

Tickets are still available for the Mary Todd doll raffle:
Contact Kay Dodge at Patriot64@aol.com regarding tickets, please put Mary Todd in the subject box. Tickets are 5 for $6.00 or $1.50 each. The drawing will be held in mid-April at Camp Nelson.
I owe a huge "Thank You" to zibboon , an artist at Etsy, for custom creating the wonderful little book - the scale is perfect!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I Want To Ride My Bicycle!
"Playing With Fire"
This is a bead embroidered ACEO, the design was just free handed, not planned out in advance. It's a small piece but I still managed to use nearly twenty colors !
Fire and imagination/creativity have much in common:
Both start with a tiny spark.
Both require nurturing and feeding.
Both combine utility with beauty.
Both can be all consuming.
Both can be dangerous - Allowing imagination free rein can be very liberating, but for many people, a dark shadow is lurking, care must be taken in pushing boundaries - sometimes they push back and you can get burned.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Fashion Recycling!
I taught a workshop at the Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860's conference; it was based on this design:
I wear it for everyday, as well as living history events and most people are amazed when I tell them the design is 150 years old - they all are convinced it is modern.
Recently I found an interesting site, Craft Stylish, and while browsing around found instructions for this bracelet:Exact same concept, just without the beads! (Of course, I think beads make everything better)
I do have a booklet with instructions for the period bracelet and several other ring crochet projects available in my Etsy shop.
The cliche is true - everything old is new again!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
All In a Row
I didn't want to recreate the sunflower on a bracelet, as I thought it would be too overwhelming. So I went much simpler, the row of accent beads is meant to represent the uniform rows in a field full of cultivated sunflowers.
On to the next project!
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Small Tradition
On that day, one of our local florists (whose shop here on the Island is, of course, closed until the season starts) walks the streets and the few open establishments with baskets full of carefully wrapped little packages of daffodils, still tightly in bud, which he presents to anyone he encounters.
We're weeks away from having daffs blooming in our yards; there are small signs of rebirth for those who look closely, but Spring is not here yet, regardless of what the calendar may state. It's a simple pleasure to have these buds slowly unfurl as they soak up warmth and water and a reminder that warmer days will soon be here, allowing us to also unfurl and shed our winter layers.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Melt
Water always finds it's way, cutting channels as it flows down.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
An Adornment
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My Poor Hands!
Your slippers may be for a man, woman or child. You may use any period technique or material, including but not limited to embroidery, Berlin work, knitted, crocheted, beadwork, cloth or leather.
Your entry must be an item commonly found and used between 1855 and 1865 and should be made using period construction techniques.
Two prizes will be awarded: one for the best reproduction as judged by the speakers; and one for the entry selected by popular ballot of the conference participants. Judging will be based on total points awarded for:
Overall Appearance, Fabrics and Materials, Trimmings and Embellishments, Construction, Workmanship/quality of detail, Documentation and Judges' Points. Each judge has the option of adding additional points for outstanding effort in any of the categories.
The pattern is from the August 1860 edition of Godey's Lady's Magazine.
They are cut in one piece from buttery red leather, with decorative chain stitching. They have a quilted silk lining and are bound with wool braid tape. They close with antique shoe buttons. They were assembled entirely by hand.
This was my first experience working with leather and it's tough! My poor thimble is beat up, literally pierced through and my hands looked like hamburger by the time I finished.
But it was all worth while....I won the judge's award!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Botanical Inspirations
Monday, March 9, 2009
Spring is in the Air?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Bound for the Future
While Graham's is intended for the whole family, other magazines such as Godey's Ladies Book, were more slanted for the ladies and contained more recipes, fashion, advice on child rearing, etc. - just like today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Piper and Two Nutcrackers
Monday, March 2, 2009
Location, location, location
When we lived downstate, we dreaded hearing that snow was on the way - the shoveling, trying to drive in it, dealing with school closures, but now we're elated to hear a good snow storm is on the way - as the saying goes, it's all about location!